Wipes Clog Pipes! (And So Do Other Things.)

Griffin Plumbing- Wipes clog pipes- Sewer clogging issues

Your community needs you! During the worldwide COVID-19 crisis, your local emergency response teams are focused on providing essential services. They need your help to minimize additional public health risks.

The combination of more people in homes, scarcity of toilet tissue, increased reliance on alternate paper products, and the use of more single-use cleaning wipes is causing big problems in sewer systems all over the world.

California Association of Sanitation Agencies reminds you that the only things that should go into your toilets are body waste and real toilet tissue. Paper towels, napkins, facial tissue or wipes, even those that claim to be flushable, can clog sewers and cause backups and overflows at wastewater treatment facilities, in streets, and into streams.

But that’s not all! Your home could also end up with backed up toilets, sinks, tubs, and showers. If this happens, your Central Coast plumbers at Griffin Plumbing are available to help, but we’d rather help you avoid an unsanitary situation and potential community-wide problem altogether.

If you must use something other than toilet tissue, be sure to keep some bags near your toilet so those items can be bagged and placed in a trash receptacle. (If you’re low on bags, remember that you may be throwing some away when you finish bread, cereal, chips, and other products.)

Below are some links for news and info about the importance of flushing only things that come from your body and your TP roll.

Toilet paper is scarce but SLO Co. utility managers warn against using alternatives.

Wastewater experts: Stop flushing wet wipes, even if manufacturers say it’s safe.

Don’t flush wipes or your home plumbing might become clogged, North Bay officials warn amid COVID-19

Remember, the Griffin Plumbing team is just a phone call away at (805) 751-7206 if you need us. Best wishes for good health for you and yours, from your Central Coast plumbers.

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Griffin Plumbing, Inc. • (805) 751-7206

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