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Griffin Plumbing: Your Leak Detection and Repair Specialists

At Griffin Plumbing, our technicians are equipped with the proper training and tools to successfully detect and repair leaks in your home. Even a relatively minor leak can result in a serious increase to your water bill. While a leaky faucet is simply diagnosed - other kinds of water leaks, like a cracked service or drain line, can cause undetected damage over years. Not to fear! Griffin is here. Our state-of-the-art equipment and decades of know-how allow us to diagnose and pinpoint any and all leaks. Plus, our plumbers are trained in the least invasive repair techniques to ensure every plumbing leak is repaired as quickly and impeccably as possible.

Signs You Need Leak Detection and Repair Services

  1. Listen – If you have a hidden plumbing leak, you may notice the continuous sound of running water
  2. Look – Read your water meter. Do you notice any significant changes, even when you’re not using water?
  3. Act – If you even remotely suspect a leak in your home plumbing system, contact Griffin immediately. We’ll want to act before mold or mildew start to spread and cause additional damage.
Griffin Plumbing - Your Plumbing Experts

Why Do Clients Choose Griffin Plumbing?

Backed by a dependable team of client service reps, technicians, managers, and owners, Griffin Plumbing consistently serves the best interests of our clients. Explore our reviews page to see client experiences and learn more.

Learn More About Leak Detection & Repair

Griffin’s Plumbing Pros Are Here to Help

Griffin’s plumbing professionals are standing by to help diagnose and repair plumbing leaks in your home.

Call (805) 751-7206

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Griffin Plumbing, Inc. • (805) 751-7206

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