2021 Holiday Kitchen Tips


It’s the holiday season, and that means you’re about to put your kitchen through the workout of a lifetime. So, answer us this: Would you enter a big race without preparing your body first? We all know that would be a recipe for disaster. So why would you put your kitchen through the Thanksgiving feast, Christmas, Hanukah and New Year’s celebrations without preparing? That’s why our friendly Orcutt plumbers have prepared a list of kitchen tips for the holidays so your kitchen is ready for the big race ahead.

Throw Out Expired Food

We all have those half-eaten pickle jars or the leftover container from dinner… how many weeks ago?… in the back of the refrigerator. Well, it’s time to make room!

The fridge and pantry are about to be ground zero for frozen turkeys, green beans, sweat potatoes, cranberries, and desserts – and all the corresponding leftovers – for the next two months. And once everything is cleared out, it’s the perfect time to figure out what you need to stock up on for the season.

Is There Room?

After you’ve cleared out the refrigerator and pantry, it’s time to determine if there’s space for everything you have planned. Do you need to bring an extra cooler into the mix to make room?

If you’ve got a chest freezer in the garage or basement, consider clearing out frozen food you won’t be using to make room for holiday-related items.

Organize Cookware, Storage Containers… and Find Those Lids!

Every good chef knows organization is key. Channel your inner Bobby Flay by going through your drawers and cabinets to organize pots, pans, and other cookware according to what you’ll be using the most.

And for after the big meal, have storage containers – and their corresponding lids – ready to go for quick cleanup and easy storage.

Out With the Old, in With the New

Are you having the family over for Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner? Have you been using the same set of China since 1992? Well, it might be time for a refresh.

While you’re hauling off those old place settings to the donation center, consider throwing in all the old kitchen appliances you don’t use anymore. Think minimalist for a clutter-free holiday season.

Wash Dishes and Linens

If you are pulling out grandma’s old China set for the big feast, especially if it’s been sitting for a few seasons in a row, make sure it’s clean. Also, in addition to washing linens, throw out and replace all those old, stained napkins and potholders.

Assess Appliances

Has your oven been on the fritz? Refrigerator or dishwasher making weird noises? Have you ignored those warning signs hoping they would just go away? Well, now is the time to either repair or replace to prevent a problem during the main event.

A Coffee Station and Additional Seating

The best plan for a seamless holiday is to be ready for everything. Family staying for the season? Consider preparing a coffee station for the early risers. Not sure how many are coming for dinner or the white elephant party? Keep extra seating nearby just in case.

Pre-Thanksgiving Plumbing Check

If you’re having the whole crew over for Thanksgiving dinner or hosting the holiday office party? Consider your poor pipes. Make sure everything from the garbage disposal, dishwasher, and water heater are all ready to go to prevent any post-meal mishaps.


Of course, there’s plenty more to keep in mind when it comes to your kitchen during the holiday season. For more tips or to have the plumbing pros make sure your kitchen is ready for the holiday race ahead, our friendly Orcutt plumbers are always a call or click away!

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