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Eco-Friendly Plumbing Tips

There’s no doubt that plumbing plays a huge role in eco-friendly living. Conserving water, especially here in California, is just part of our day-to-day life. But making environmentally friendly choices...

Plumbing Tips For Homeowners

Knowing your way around your home’s plumbing can save more than just a soggy mess – but also a hefty chunk of change. With some basic knowledge, you can turn...
Griffin Plumbing - Family Friendly Plumbing Tips

Family Friendly Plumbing Tips

Having youngsters in the house means maintaining constant vigilance for the worst-case scenario. Getting into mischief is part and parcel for toddlers. That mischief can often involve your home’s plumbing,...
Griffin Plumbing and its team of Lompoc plumbers have served the Central Coast for over two decades.

Outdoor Plumbing Tips for Spring

Our friendly Lompoc plumbers have come up with a list of outdoor plumbing tips for spring to ensure there are no unseemly surprises to spoil your springtime enjoyment. It’s springtime...

Spring 2021 Drain Cleaning Tips

Spring is in the air! That statement might be more symbolic than anything else here on the always sunny Central Coast, but the sentiment is true. That means it’s time...

Every Plumbing Problem Deserves A Griffin Solution!

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Griffin Plumbing, Inc. • (805) 934-1949

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